Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Switzerland was the name given to our campus not only because it was beautiful , but also it was like a small Island away and almost cut off from the main land. the campus was sorrounded by farms and villages. When we entered the college, there were only three more student batches in the campus. Our campus thus was a small village. whether you like or dislike,any Campus buzz used to spread like fire in no time!

For entertainment, there was nothing nearby. There was one open air theatre, especially for people of nearby villages, at karamsad which used to show typical gujarati films. Good theatres were at anand, about 8kms away from our campus.

I and tapasvi both never liked hindi masala movies. But when college friends ask you to join, it is really difficult to resist.

On one fine evening after the sunset, I and tapasvi decided to join other friends on their way to anand to a movie theatre. There was some action movie somewhat of our taste. As we went to the gate of our shri Krishna hospital, we found our friends jumping in a big truck of amul dairy!

“hey ! what are you doing? Can’t we get any rikshaw?” one of my friends asked the other.
“forget it! Just get in!”

It was a big tata truck full of milk canes. We all climbed rapidly onto back of the truck to discover a new way of transport! Truck started. The noice of the engine was hardly heard at the back. We felt like flying on alladin’s carpet! We were free to walk on the milk canes. It was about 20min journey. The charges were cheaper too. We reached our destination soon.

After this ride, to go for a movie became triple enjoyment for us: ride the truck, watch the movie and forget the vivas and texts back at campus.

On one such ride, I remember, I sat On the top of the driver’s cabin. It was winter and the air was so cool that I developed numbness and tingling on all of my face.
There was never any bad accident, as far as I remember, with any one only because of sheer good luck. However, One of my classmate jani had fracture femur while traveling sitting aside the rikshaw driver.

One day, I and tapasvi were bored enough and we desided to go to anand for a good action English movie. To choose the movie, we were asking our friends their reviews. Because when you spend money for entertainment, you ought to get full return!

“planning to go to a movie?” suddenly a voice interrupted us. the voice was of a famous figure from our senior batch (mail me and I will tell you the name!).

“yes…we want to see a good action movie..” we revealed our choice.
“ hmmmm….” Taking his fingers close to his chin, in his typical style, he gave a thought to our choice. “Why don’t you choose sirocco today?” he suggested ultimately.
“ Is it a good action movie?” we wanted to confirm
“ oh sure. Marvelous.” He gave final assurance.

We both took joy ride from the main gate and reached the theatre in hope of entertaining ourselves with a good action movie.
As soon as we entered the main gate of the theatre, we saw stunning hoarding of the movie.

“ Loook tapasvi this isn’t any action movie…it appears an adult movie.” I exclaimed to tapasvi as we never had seen such thing in our lives! For a moment, we stared each other probably waiting for the other to say ‘let us go back’. But it did not happen! Probably in back of our minds we were searching justification to go in the theatre to see the unseen and the forbidden. few second passed.

“ we have come this far…we can not go back.” Tapasvi had the courage to follow the instinct. we went to box office with beating heart. Both of us constantly looked around fearing some known persons noticing us.

This was very first time we saw such a movie!


  1. I like the way you used 'Forbidden' for such a movie. hehehe

    I would like to know the senior's name who suggested you the movie.

  2. Now,still it is the best campus and ratio of girls to boy is reversed.
    68 girls in a 100 students batch.

  3. was difficult to admit the facts both the ways...!

  4. vimal i think the sr was setuji,,,,sirracoo also 1st movie of our group

  5. nope! it was not setu..wait for my mail!
