Wednesday, February 09, 2011



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Any medical college class is blessed with at least 50% population of girls! So was ours. Our engineer counterparts were very poor ! they hardly had a few girls in whole of the campus. If you want to really feel “the ground impact” of reverse sex ratio, just visit any engineering college campus! Our campus was colorful that way. Also, there were many couples in every batch, making our campus lively real college campus.

Every corner of our college corridors was mostly occupied by one or other couple. You could see the senior batch’s couples happily riding on bikes, chatting under beautiful mango trees, walking holding hands late night on our no traffic campus roads, eating together in the mess, reading side by side in the library, or sometimes some couples were seen in dark corners and deep eucalyptus jungle of our campus.

Heena, my classmate, sometimes used to say jokingly “ I really am fed up with these couples. No corner, no tree, no reading place is without them! They are creating indirect pressure on all of us!!”

Our seniors rightly named our campus mini Switzerland. It really was that in all the aspects- beautiful, near the heart of the nature, away from routine life of a city, perfect for romance! Chemistry of our magical campus also started to have its own spell on our batch.

Sameer, one of my good friends, was a tall, handsome, stylish and fair boy of my batch. Also, he was my dissection and lobby partner. Because of late admission, a girl was added to our dissection batch- margi. She was a frank and friendly girl. She used to talk a lot with all of us. as seen in our films, after meeting on dissection table, shortly sameer and margi fell in love. They got wholehearted support from almost all the batch mates. while Their union was matter of celebration for all of us, Their news created a shock wave in the campus because they were just 1st MBBS students! Some people were really not happy with the news as margi was from a hindu family while sameer was a muslim. However, I must say, they made a perfect couple ! soon, their families agreed to their decision and they became the first official couple of our batch!

From our senior batches, there were number of couples. A surprising fact about all the couples was, we had never heard any break up at that time! The couples were respected by all, even the teachers. The couples were graceful. I must remember priya and GD at this point. They were icons for us.

For me, naturally, the subject of love was more of human rights than a personal one! Like in any college, There were many boys in line looking for perfect love. All had their own way of presentation. Some were stylish, some were impressive. I must admit I never was part of the line but at the same time I was not completely averse to it.

To my perception, I was an average boy, un stylish, non impressive. Most of the time, I used to wear khadi clothes. i Never used anything more than a routine soap, not even shaving cream! Khadi gave me probably a staunch gandhian look. Was not this enough to be a repellent for fair sex? Add to this my inclination towards one of the most hated subject by elite class and most of the medical students - social work and community medicine! My portfolio was still not over. I was one of the most irritant student of the class as I used to ask many questions to the teacher when everybody else wanted to complete the class. despite my un ending queries, I neither was a ranker nor was a scorer of my class. rather, I hardly was able to clear the routine exams…. nothing impressive! I wasn’t a sportsman. Skating, cricket, swimming, table tennis even chess, carom – I knew nothing. Yes, I was a bathroom singer and a half poet! I never had a bike. leave the bike, in fact, I did not know how to drive even a gearless scooter like kinetic!

As our first terminal exam approached, I started reading the subjects my way. On the day of the exam, we went to big lecture room of our new college building. We were given seats and the examiners started distributing the question paper. The exam was of anatomy. It was my habit to not to read the whole question paper and start answering it. Hilariously, I used to write whatever I knew at length- so my short notes looked assay and assays appeared like short notes! I never used to see the clock while answering. It was foolish, I accept, but It was routine for me to sacrifice couple of compulsory questions as I used to write everything including the optional questions!

When I was trying to prepare myself again for such “heroic” blunder, suddenly , I noticed a crying girl in the class. I gazed there and saw a girl crying and telling something to our tutor and supervisor, dr rakesh Gandhi.

Dr Gandhi, being a perfect teacher, was talking empathetically with the girl. He persuaded something and within about 10 min, the girl again sat down for exam. Why should one cry at all for such a terminal exam? Was it as important as life? Even if you fail, there was not much to loose as it was only a terminal exam.. It sounded ridiculous to me. ( at that time I was not aware that the crying spells just at the time of exam were awaiting to create hell for me in future!)

When result was out, despite coming from gujarati medium school, that girl scored the highest, while I hardly passed. In our class, she used to sit on the first batch vigorously noting down probably everything spoken by the teacher. While I used to ask questions in the class, she never did that.

I had very little information about her as heard from others. She did not stay in the hostel. She was a local coming from vallabh vidya nagar. While I was sharing third rank with shantilal in my v.d. high school’s 12th std class and was second last to get in the medical curriculum, getting admission only at psmc, Some one said she stood first in anand district 12th exam and was getting admission in all the medical colleges of Gujarat. She opted for psmc only because it was near to her home. I came to psmc all the way from bhuj because I wanted not only to be a doctor but also wanted to learn independent life. She used to wear thick minus glasses. She also was the shortest girl of our class. she was the youngest too as some one told me. I was the oldest.

She used to come to college on her kinetic Honda. Mostly, she was seen with beji and anu, on her back seat while driving in the campus. I never had spoken to her.
Once just after the class, she asked me “ hey neh, how come you ask so many questions in the class?”
“Just like that….you know..” I fumbled. She smiled and went away. She was jasmine.

For my college day’s poetry, Good friends like vimal used to encourage me in those days( as today!). vimal was kind enough to share my poems with his like minded friends. Also, he used to read my poems to jasmine.
One day, just after our anatomy dissection class, jasmine was out side the hall waiting for some one. I casually said hi to her.
She said “ your writings are nice, neh! I like them. you are a good writer..”
“ when you stand in front of sun, your shadow will appear far bigger than what you are!” I told jasmine “ it is because you are kind enough to praise me.” thus, gradually, our friendship got tuned in!

Soon after, jasmine became an uncontested 1st ranker of our class. the second number usually lagged far behind her tally of marks. There never was neck to neck competition for her. Competition practically started from the second rank onwards in our class!

Jasmine was very good comparer on the stage and she had natural capacity to keep the audience spell bound. She could handle the whole college mob with microphone in her hand. Her voice was as sweet as honey. I witnessed her capacity in our college function ‘brain wave’. She used to win extemporary public speaking competitions. She did contest in a personality game conducted by dr hegde and gave tough competition to raju panjwani, the 1st winner.

Our Thursday meetings were probably best place for our interaction where jasmine and anish used to be the default announcers.

Amongst the three, jasmine, beji and anu, beji was not only talkative but also naughty. Her gestures and behaviors were sometimes difficult enough to interpret. She was able to create a slippery and mysterious land of her own. Probably she liked to be of such sort.
Jasmine was very transparent that way and anu was a bit narcissistic.

One day, beji and jasmine came to me and tapasvi.
“ hey, can you be a part of our group?”
I, hemant, tapasvi and bimal used to hate the groups. We believed in friendship with all. Groups were perceived against our discernment of equality. They also had same way invited ramesh, a ranker of our class.
However, I and tapasvi felt there was nothing wrong in being good friends wether you name it a group or not.

“ that is ok. But we dislike groups. We will be good friends…”said tapasvi. They both looked happy.
“ so we are to meet at college terrace today evening. Is that understood?” ordered beji.and we agreed.

Back at the hostel, when hemant heard the news, he ridiculed us. “ girls and girls! You have fallen prey to them! Lattu thai gaya ne!”
“ hemant what is wrong with just friendship with like minded peoples? You name it a group or not. You also may join with us.” but hemant was staunch enough in his ideas as always.
“do you know neh, one of your group member had proposed to a boy while singing poem!! Now you are going to be part of such a group! Ha ha ha!” he made mockery of us. ( note : hemant was wrong. He had misinformation.)
That was not all. Bimal also had a very strong opposition. “ you have betrayed our ideas neh!” he said unhappily “ now you will do everything that we hated till date. I never can be part of such activity”

Still, they could not deter us from “joining” the group. We met on the terrace of the lecture hall.
CONNED? i still am searching the answer!!.... :))

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