Friday, April 01, 2011


well friends, i was trying to write about our awesome experiences at panchvati slum with dr rajesh metha. but 1st april reminded me some events in our hostel. so over to hostel room no 19 new boys' hostel, psmc campus!

i have had little chance to mention something about my room partner biren, i mean, biru dada to put it more correctly! myself, tapasvi and biren remained room partners from day one to throughout our mbbs years.biren was from gandhinagar and his father was a govt servant. his complexion was a bit dark like me and was little short than me in height.he had typical amdavadi speech.while tapasvi was a giant, myself and biren were thin and lean weighing hardly some fifty kilos at that time.

biren used to speak very less-only when needed.but he had sound knowledge of the world he was living with. while i and tapasvi were living in our own dream world sometimes, biru was always in real world.far more practical.

"you know neh, why we all do study?" once he asked me.
" so that we be doctors."i answered wondering why he asked such a question.
"oh really? you mean is that the goal?" he really had something in his mind.
"what else?" i scratched my head.
"see, i can prove something else.' he smiled. okay, now he would reveal the secret.
"neh, you study and you will be doctor after sometime. so what next will you do?" he said.
"i will get some good job and will practice." i had a plain answer.
"and then? no plan to earn some money?"
"naturally, i will earn my salary."
"is that all? what next?" he was playing game.
"that is all...and then...." nothing more i could i said"probably i will marry"- "yess! thats it!" he promptly interrupted my answer with sparks in both of his eyes.
" so neh, you have learnt a lesson. we all study ultimately to marry." he laughed and folded both his hands to make a heart shape and again spoke loudly "ULTIMATELY TO MARRY....!"

biren never used to hide his innate feelings despite speaking less. he had stuck a big cut out of his favorite heroine on his cupboard.he used to goto his home gandhinagar every week and used to bring a lot of tasty breakfast and college gossips especially about girls to share with us.

one late evening, when biren, myself and tapasvi were chatting in our room no 19 after routine tasteless dinner, one of our good friend entered our room. biren was sitting on a study table with support of his hands behind, while i was sitting on my cot and tapasvi was in his chair.
"whats up friends?" our friend appeared very happy somehow that day.
"nothing yaar, just chatting" i answered.
"hey biren, what is there near your left hand?" our friend asked biren pointing to a small glass bottle having some white crystals inside.
"you mean this?" biru swiftly lifted the bottle in his hand and pretended to examine it very carefully by taking it near his eyes. "this is...salt. simple salt." he stretched the word salt five times the normal.
" i think there is sugar in it."our good friend opined as he neared biru.
" hey man, do not try to taste it" biru hid the glass bottle with his hand behind him as if it was something like sugar admixed with real diamond powder.
"oh really? see, i cannot be fooled like this. i know it is sugar and you are teasing me." said our good friend.
"why should i lie to you? this is saaalt and i am not giving it to you at any cost."biru started controlling the mind game.

"you give me and i will prove myself." a bit agitated, out good friend rushed to the bottle.biru transfered the bottle from one hand to the other ans stretched that hand away from our good friend. our good friend tried to snatch the bottle, the struggle went on for a few seconds.
"ok ok.."said biru ultimately "you won. there is sugar in the bottle. i will give it to you but for god's sake, do not taste it!" biru threw his last yorker of the mind game.

our good friend, because of biru, had become so desperate to prove himself, grabbed the glass bottle from biru's hand.he opened it within milliseconds and threw the white powder directly in his wide open mouth.

ouch!! his mouth was full of salt! the muscles of the face of our good friend were stretched to all possible directions to make a horrible look of his face which we never would forget!!

at another occasion, one of our good friend was boasting a lot about himself and to his gross misfortune,biru heard it. all of us including some of our lobby parters were there in our hostel room no 19. our room was something about 20*12 ft spacious with the cots and three study tables.from the balcony, we could see jungle of our eukeliptus trees. it was beautiful scene.

i have forgotten the exact topic of conversation, but our good friend was boasting about himself being a real man.
"man, you have to stand up for the cause you feel if you are a real man! i do it and face the world.i never step back. a real man like me can shape his own future in his own way! i tell you, only a few man like me are having such capacity." he was preaching all of us as how a man should behave and how should he make himself.
biru listened to his version of being a man for a few minutes.then, without looking at our good 'real man' friend, said in a plain voice " see man, i do not understand whatever you are saying about yourself. the world will believe you a man only when you have something really between your two legs!"

"hey do you mean i don't have it?" suddenly our good friend's attention shifted to the unexpected attack.all of us were just stunned by biru's attack.
" i never said that but what i said is an ancient fact.i will have reasons to believe you otherwise, if you don't have that." my good friend was sucked in the argument.

"leave this! i can prove i am a man anytime" now our friend was almost screamed.
"oh really? how can we believe you? if you ask me, i will not believe anything without proof." still biru was purposefully looking away from our good friend just to drive him mad!

'you have your chance today to prove.prove it the way i tell you" what biru was up to? asking him to strip naked or something in front of all of us? i could not believe it!

"why should i prove it to you? who are you?" our good friend's face was seen grossly irritated

"relax man! i am nothing."biru chuckled " if you wish, you can prove or otherwise.."

"-what otherwise?"our good friend stood up in excitement almost to attack biru.
"hey if you hit me that is not going to prove you a real man..."biru went a step back. " see....otherwise all these friends of ours will have chance believe what i believe right now for you..!" pointing a finger to all of us biru said

our good friend gazed us. we all probably looked serious to him. his face also turned serious.

"okay, what should i do?" he asked biru accepting the challenge.

"nothing. just show it!"
"show what?"
" the vital masculine part of your body that you are missing in my opinion!" biru was a cold blooded killer!

"no. that never can happen" he resisted almost screaming.
" see friends? i am right!" biru smiled.
"no! "he shouted " i am a real man!"
"then prove it!"
our good friend was highly agitated and was breathing fast. he looked desperate to prove himself.
"okay,okay..calm down... i have a suggestion.. "all looked biren with eager faces. what suggestion?
"you can show that to me in private and i will tell all the friends if you are a real man."

our good friend seemed puzzled but for him, i guessed, the suggestion was better than to strip in front of all of us.

"come on!" biru swiftly opened the door to balcony. still looked puzzled, our good friend went to biru and the door was closed.what was happening?

after couple of minutes,as we waited eagerly, the door opened.

"he really showed me!" exclaimed biru. " i never expected you such a fool!" biru told our good friend.
he looked very confused and depressed. his face blushed red. we could not stop laughing as we saw him.

" i really do not know" our good friend probably spoke to himself as grasped his head with both of his hands and threw his loose body on one of the cot. "why i did this at all? why did i listened to biru at all? but why me?"

what a mind game biru could play and win and could make fools without April!

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