Thursday, September 01, 2011


(For the first time, i have written this chapter with change of names of the real charechters. i have great respect for the student "antibody" and even if i do not know his whereabouts today, i wish him all the best for his life. I have no intention to hurt him. rather,i wish to show how selfrespectful and couragous he was. my sincere regards to is my humble request to him to contact me if by chance he reads my blog. i have searched all possible internet tools to find him. -NEH)


It was one of the starting lectures from prof harsoda. On that fine morning, in his usual style, keeping both his hands in the pockets of the jacket he asked “what izz antibodyz?”


I wanted to reply something as usual but I did not know as to how to speak the definition in exact words.

“Sir” a lean thin boy with spects raised his hand

“Sir…it is a body against a body which enters our body…. that is antibody”

“What?” a bit confused with the answer “can you pleaz repeat it?” prof inquired further

“sir, sir….body against a body, I mean, a body produced against a foreign body that enters a human body…”he spoke taking maximum possible help of his stick thin hands and fingers for explaining what he actually meant.

“So? etle means ke bodyz against bodyz?” prof was still not convinced .”Is that antibody?” repeatation of the word body kindled his brain- he smiled.

And the class busted to laugh. The boy was happy about the answer he gave and nodded his head as yes.

“Yes…antibodyz are part of our immune systimz” and he went on teaching the topic, but that thin boy earned the label - “anti body”

He was from mihir’s school and also was his room partner at the hostel. When it was simply difficult for other students to read a few paragraphs of the textbook of physiology by gyton, he had capacity to read whole of the tightly packed chapter of it! He was air thin boy. He had nascent thin mustache that made him look like a 9th class student than a college boy.

“you know, he comes from a troubled family” said mihir “they had a lot of money and good business but their business partner cheated them and now the money is a big trouble for them…I know how hard his father works for meeting the medical college expenses”

mihir had unique relationship with him. mihir used to tease him a lot in the class and in the hostel..
“akaash…!akaash….!!”You could find mihir shouting any time behind him. Every week mihir used to find some new nick name for him! But simultaneously he used to care a lot for him. To tease was largely right of only mihir and any one else trying to do that had to face mihir’s forceful opposition. akash had atypical speech and atypical gestures while speaking and expressing. Thus some students made fun of him sometimes. This, probably, never was affecting akash as he mostly laughed with the others.

He used to score nice marks even in difficult vivas. He never was telling his difficulties back at home to others. Neither had he any complaint regarding his economical status nor had he ever showed interest in costly hobbies like movies, hotels, spending after girls.

Years passed by…he remained antibody for all who knew him.

One day he left hostel. Swaminarayan mandir at karamsad was providing cheaper or probably free accommodation for him.

Some one said he was happy there.

But mihir told us how miserable his life had become.

“You know, akash’s condition has gone worst.” Explained mihir “he does not have enough money to buy even food know, what he does at such bad times? He would sit in front of statue of bhagwan swaminarayan just below his hostel room and would continue to pray till he falls asleep.”

“We ought to help him whichever way it is possible” some of the friends suggested. We all went to him.

“We are here to do something” we told him. He smiled as usual “we want to help you economically. We all will contribute something per month for you .at least that would be of some use to you…”

“Nope!” his answer was clear “I appreciate your feelings but I do not want any help”

“Please consider…. This would not be a burden to us. It is our humble request as old friends.” But he was very firm. “We beg you akash, please do not feel any obligation. You may return the money when you start earning. We promise you. We will take the money back.”

No way… We had to come back .he did not accept any help.

Unfortunately after a few days we heard akash developed obsessive compulsive neurosis. He would take hours to brush his teeth. He would soil whole of the fore arm with the tooth paste. He would similarly take hours for bath. His academic performance steeply declined. He started failing in exams.

He was sometimes seen in the corners of the college building staring to ceiling vacant with some textbook in his lap. Sometimes it looked as if he was praying keeping his eyes closed. Many times he was uttering some words to himself. Now he did not have any friend by his side. When he met any of us, he would greet and smile, probably, would speak a few words and again would get lost in his own world. His pain was really beyond anyone’s imagination.

He could not clear final MBBS at first attempt. I do not know how many attempts he took to clear MBBS finally.

After a few years when I as passing by the deptt of skin I saw him sitting in a corner and praying.

“hey akash! How are you? I am so happy to see you man!” I was over joyed.

“hi neh! I am fine and doing my internship. Nice to see you pal..” he was still the same boy. I asked about his health and his future plans. But he was unclear. That was the last meeting.

To this date, I do not know where he is and how he is but I wish him happiness wherever he lives. Despite all odds, his refusal to take any help from the friends was something only a man with true self respect and courage could do. My salutes to akash.

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